Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cher as Catwoman ???

Strikes me more like a peacock - or a giant tufted titmouse ...

The Oscar-winning actress and singer, 62, is in talks to star opposite Christian Bale in the third of the "dark" Batman films directed by Christopher Nolan, according to the U.K.'s Daily Mirror tabloid.

She's 62 !!! Past her prime! Catwoman is supposed to be a younger sexy little minx - think Michelle Pfeiffer in skin tight leather!!! Mee-OOWWW!!

Now, Angelina Jolie is also rumored to be in the running for Catwoman - and I definitely can see that coming to fruition more than Cher. Angelina certainly would fill out a catsuit nicely. Of course, CG being what it is these days, physical reality isn't as much of an issue as it once was. Damn, maybe Char does have a chance.

Rumors also have Johnny Depp starring as The Riddler, and Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin in the follow-up to "The Dark Knight." I bet Hoffman could definitely take the character of the Penguin down a demented and troubled path much like Ledger did as the Joker.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Football Season is near!

Only one more week until the "real" sports begin again. Yes, friends, it's about time for Football to begin! I for one, am ecstatic! I'm fast becoming an old fart, so I likes me some sports radio. The only problem with sports radio... when I turn it on in the summer, I hear guys talking about golf, baseball, the Olympics, other stuff I really don't care about.

If you love these sports, I'm sorry, well actually, I'm not! The only thing more boring than watching these sports on TV is actually listening to someone else TALK about them. Golf is fun to play, but I could care less who someone thinks is going to win the Masters. Olympic swimming, diving, track, wrestling, volleyball, etc. is just not going to hold my attention. I guess the basketball is okay, but I'd rather see NBA basketball.

Ok, baseball fans, flame if you want, but MLB is no longer a sport! Sports require some form of competition, and as someone here in the central United States, I could care less how many times the Yankees beat the Red Sox or vice versa. I did not always feel this way, as a kid, I spent God knows how much money on baseball cards. I loved baseball. What happened? The great Strike of 1994. I saw guys who were making boo koo bucks playing a sport they supposedly loved, willing to forfeit the season because they weren't going to be getting the same benefits that they were accustomed to. I think the salary cap that was being proposed at the time might have actually saved baseball. The Salary Cap works great in the NFL by keeping up the competition level. Sure, there are dynasties in football, but it's not because the winning team pays their players more, they must rely on other motivators.

Flash forward to today, and baseball is just a sport that is based more on commercialism than actual game-play. Why should I want to plop down my hard-earned cash to see a bunch of steroid abusing millionaires maybe try to win one of their 150 games that really don't matter all that much? So I can watch the pitcher spit tobacco, scratch his nuts, and play catch with the catcher all day? No thanks! Long rant, short, Baseball Sucks!

Anywho, Bring on the football! It's nice to have you back!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Creed SHREDS again !!!

This is ssooo much better than listening to scott stapp sing for real.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Do You Like Synchronized Swimming?

Do you like Synchronized Swimming? You will now... check out these two coming to a Beijing synchronized swimming pool near you in 2008!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bikers Suck!

Woah, now, easy there Hell's Angels. I'm not referring to you guys. If you have an engine on your bike, you are not Included in this rant. If you are under the age of 12, or you only ride bikes on sidewalks or off-road, you will also not be included. I'm talking to you Mr. I-wear-tight-pants-and-ride-my-bike-in-rush-hour-traffic-on-two-lane-roads-and-act-like-it's-actually-a-real-car-that-needs-a-whole-lane. Where do you guys get off actually waiting at lights in the left hand turn lane? Don't you realize that there are grown ups who need to get to work, or home to their kids? They don't have time for you to start peddling and get through the light. Sure, the car directly behind you will make it through, but what about the other six cars behind that guy? Are they just supposed to understand that you have needs to get out and prance around in your sweat stained biker shorts? Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY has looked good in biker shorts since the 90's, and there were many exceptions then! Get off the road!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

About Time Tech Review of Blue Ray

When it comes to new technologies, I’m usually quick to jump on the bandwagon and adopt them as soon as the price meets my perceived value. With that being said, this did not apply when HD movie devices first hit the market. I was not interested in the least bit. It may have had something to do with the format war between Blue Ray (or Blu Ray for the serious people) and HD DVD. Maybe it was because I was an early adopter of DVD (I bought the PS2 on launch day), and never though I’d see a movie as clear as the Matrix on DVD. I even bought one of those up-scaling DVD players a few months back, and really thought that that was probably as good as it gets. Boy was I wrong.

I waited to jump on the HD bandwagon. I had some options that well exceeded my perceived value of the technology. For the longest time I was seeing the HD DVD add-on drive for the Xbox 360 for around $100-$150 with 5 or 6 free movies, or the PS3 retailing for $400 with just as many free movies. I kept thinking to myself, “I sure would hate to buy one of these and end up with a useless piece of garbage if the format is not supported in the future.” So I waited. I read articles about which studios were going to be supporting which format, and what the experts were saying would end up being the standard for video, but I didn’t see a clear winner until earlier this year when Toshiba finally said “Enough” and dropped the HD DVD format. And now people like my brother who have an HD DVD drive are up a creek without a paddle.

Anywho, after all that was decided, and the dust settled, and I got a really good deal on a PS3, I joined the HD Movie watchers club. The only problem, I’m broke, and like to watch movies that lack quality as opposed to shelling out thirty bucks a pop for a single movie disk. However, last night a friend of mine let me borrow Ghost Rider on Blu Ray. Now, as a disclaimer I must say that I never wanted to see this movie. Even as a superhero movie buff, I thought this one looked like a stinker, and as superhero movies go, its plot was average at best, but I must say the HD experience made this movie awesome! The fire, water, ice, and wind special effects really popped! WOW! I didn’t really know what I was missing!

Long story short, if you have an HD TV and don’t have a High Def player, you should really get one. It may not improve the quality of the movies you watch, but it will make the ones you see much more enjoyable. Heck, I’d probably watch an hour and a half of a turd glistening on this thing!