Friday, August 22, 2008

Football Season is near!

Only one more week until the "real" sports begin again. Yes, friends, it's about time for Football to begin! I for one, am ecstatic! I'm fast becoming an old fart, so I likes me some sports radio. The only problem with sports radio... when I turn it on in the summer, I hear guys talking about golf, baseball, the Olympics, other stuff I really don't care about.

If you love these sports, I'm sorry, well actually, I'm not! The only thing more boring than watching these sports on TV is actually listening to someone else TALK about them. Golf is fun to play, but I could care less who someone thinks is going to win the Masters. Olympic swimming, diving, track, wrestling, volleyball, etc. is just not going to hold my attention. I guess the basketball is okay, but I'd rather see NBA basketball.

Ok, baseball fans, flame if you want, but MLB is no longer a sport! Sports require some form of competition, and as someone here in the central United States, I could care less how many times the Yankees beat the Red Sox or vice versa. I did not always feel this way, as a kid, I spent God knows how much money on baseball cards. I loved baseball. What happened? The great Strike of 1994. I saw guys who were making boo koo bucks playing a sport they supposedly loved, willing to forfeit the season because they weren't going to be getting the same benefits that they were accustomed to. I think the salary cap that was being proposed at the time might have actually saved baseball. The Salary Cap works great in the NFL by keeping up the competition level. Sure, there are dynasties in football, but it's not because the winning team pays their players more, they must rely on other motivators.

Flash forward to today, and baseball is just a sport that is based more on commercialism than actual game-play. Why should I want to plop down my hard-earned cash to see a bunch of steroid abusing millionaires maybe try to win one of their 150 games that really don't matter all that much? So I can watch the pitcher spit tobacco, scratch his nuts, and play catch with the catcher all day? No thanks! Long rant, short, Baseball Sucks!

Anywho, Bring on the football! It's nice to have you back!

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