Sunday, July 20, 2008

Best comicbook adaptation ... ever!

If you've not seen The Dark Knight yet - go see it. Drop what you are doing and race to the nearest cineplex. Beg, borrow and/or steal! Don't wait for the Russians to provide it (although, comrades, that would be awesome), you must see this movie. It's simply the best comicbook adaptation on the big screen to date. And just like everyone has been saying, Heath Ledger's performance as a psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy is spot on. To say I enjoyed this movie would be grotesquely understated.

1 comment:

The REAL Iron Sheik said...

You speak the truth Mr. Tender... this movie was riveting for the entire 2.5 hours. One of the finest movies I have ever witnessed. If the Killing Joke (Batman trade paperback) came to life, this was the Joker stepping out of those pages. Warning: pay attention to the rating and leave your brats at home, this is not your feel good Iron Man story. Lots of murder and mayhem.